One of the first steps to setting up your account will be to customize the data columns on the accounts page. It is important to add the important data you need to track to your default view.
By default, most users' home page when logging into Beacon Finance is set to the accounts page.
If you are on another page in Beacon Finance, click the Accounts tab to navigate back.
How to Edit the Columns Available on Screen
From the accounts page, click the Edit Columns Icon to open the edit columns modal.
This will open a pop up modal for you to edit your view. All columns that are currently displayed on your accounts page appear on the left hand side in blue. All other available columns that are not currently displayed appear on the right. Drag and drop columns from the right side to the left side to add columns. Drag columns from the left side to the right side to remove columns. Drag and drop columns on the left-hand side up or down to reorganize the order of columns.