*Please note that the Gift Fund data can only be edited by Beacon Finance users with Budget editing privileges*
1. Create a New Gift Fund
- Under the Multi-Year Tab, click Gift Fund and Add/Edit Gift Fund.
- Click the Add Gift Fund button (Found near the bottom of the screen)
- In the bottom row, enter the data points and click save. (Tip: as you enter data, you click the tab to jump to the next column)
- If an account number is not known at this time, leave the CAN value as TBD.
2. Add a new CAN to an existing Gift Fund (optional)
- From the Gift Fund data entry screen, use the screens filters to locate the Gift Fund you are adding a new CAN for.
- Click the Add New CAN icon next to the Gift Fund.
- A new editable row will appear, and all data associated with the Gift Fund will be automatically populated.
- Edit the information unique to the CAN and click the Save button (for example, Branch and PI)
3. Add Collections
- Using the screen filters to locate the account that will be receiving new collections.
- Next to the account, click the $ icon to navigate to the Collections data entry screen.
- From the Collections data entry screen, click on the Add New button found near the bottom of the screen.
- Fill out the relevant data for each new check received in this row. Once complete, click Save
- If the Check has been Allotted, remember to change the Pending Status to Allotted. If a check is left in the Pending status, the funds will not be included in the Balance report.
- Filling out the Task Number column correctly is essential to creating an accurate balance report. The data entered here will be used to calculate the accounts balance by Task.
- You can leave some data unfilled and return later to edit and update data when the information is known.
4. Review the Gift Balance Report
- The Gift Blanance Report (found under the Multi-Year tab / Gift Fund / Gift Balances) will now include the recently added account.
- The Task Balances will be calculated based on total collections for the task minus total obligations against the task number over all FY's