Levels of Access
Reviewer / Approver
Any employee at your IC can receive a WorkFlow as a reviewer or approver. The employee will receive an email with a link to the Flow for Review or Approval. No action is needed to establish this permission.
What Flows can a Reviewer/Approver View:
- Only the Flows that are sent directly to them for review or signature.
Basic Flow Access
Any employee that is a licensed HR or Finance User has access to Beacon Flow to initiate WorkFlows and view Flows that they have permission to view.
What Flows can a Basic Flow User View:
- Flows that are sent directly to them for review or signature
- Flows that are linked to an Employee under an Admin Code for which they have HR access. For example, if a Basic Flow user has HR access to HNX1 and a workflow that is linked to John Doe, an employee in Admin Code HNX1 is created, this user will be able to view the Flow.
- Flows that are linked to a CAN for which they have FInance Access.
Flow Administrator
A system admin must grant an employee Flow Admin access. To grant Admin access
1. click on your Beacon Profile (top right corner).
2. Next search for the user using the Find User search bar.
3. Then checkmark Flow Administrator (Remember to click Save!)
What Flows can a Flow Admin View?
- Flows that are sent directly to them for review or signature
- Flows that are linked to an Employee under an Admin Code for which they have HR access
- Flows that are linked to a CAN for which they have FInance Access.
- Flows that are left unlinked
How to limit who can see a Flow
Leaving a Flow unlinked will limit the data access to the WorkFlow. Only Flow admins and the employee the Flow is routed to will be able to view an unlinked workflow.