This video details how to create a Flow template, the standardized process for future WorkFlows.

Within Beacon Flow, Admin Users can create new Workflow templates. 

To start, click on the Manage Template/Delegates icon and select Create New Template.

Once on the Create Workflow page, there are four sections of information to fill out.

  1. WorkFlow Template Information
  2. Checklist Items
  3. Actions
  4. Routes

WorkFlow Template Information

This section is used to identify a unique template when initiating a new workflow. 

WorkFlow Title: The title of a WorkFlow should provide enough description that other employees understand what this template is used for.

WorkFlow Description: The description populates when a template is selected. The description should provide specific details for when this template is used and can include a naming convention for when an employee initiates a template. 

Define Files for Upload/Checklist:

This section is used to identify the types of files that should be uploaded when initiating this workflow under this template. You can upload a copy of the file for reference or link to a website URL where that file is stored. You can also use the Checklist section to identify tasks that should be completed.

Checklist Entry Label/Description: The title for the Checklist item. An example: Upload a copy of Resume

Upload a File: This allows an Admin to select a file to attach to this Template. The file is not automatically uploaded when a file is initiated rather there is a link for the user to download the file to their desktop. If you upload a File the URL and Label will be auto-filled.

URL: An option to copy and paste a URL link to where a file is stored. 

URL Label: The text that will be displayed to the user in place of the long URL. For example, if the URL is you can type NetComm as the label and the word NetComm will be displayed in replace of:

Is Required? checkbox: If an Admin designates a Checklist item as required the system will identify the item as required however the system will not prevent a user from completing a WorkFlow without completing the required checklist item.

To add more Checklist items click + Add a Checklist Entry and fill in the above fields

To reorganize checklist items drag and drop items into a new order.

To remove a checklist item click the red X


Define Actions

This section is optional but can be used to assign to-do list tasks associated with a workflow to specific employees.

To begin click + Add an Action

Action Name: The title of the Action.

Assignment: The employee responsible for completing the Action. (You can leave this space blank. When a WorkFlow is initiated you can assign an employee to the Action. 

Description: A more detailed description of the task 

Define Routes

Routes are the employees that will need to review or approve the workflow. While routes can be modified during a specific workflow this section sets the standard for all future workflows that use this template.

Route Types. Use the Dropdown menu to select from the two types of routes. Reviewers and Approvers.

Reviewer: Receives the Workflow for review only and does not sign This person has the ability to review the attached documents, add signature zones, and if an approver step has not yet occurred, may add or remove documents. The reviewer can send a workflow back for changes before completing their review. This role can add or bypass steps in the routing network.

Approver: Receives the Workflow for signature. This person signs and approves the attached document. This role cannot add edit or remove attached documents. This role can add or bypass steps in the routing network. 

Route Title: The employee's title for the routing step

Time Frame: The number of days an employee has to complete their step before Beacon begins to send automatic reminder emails

To add additional routes: click the +Add Another Route

To reorganize the routing network: drag and drop the routes into the correct order

To remove a route: click the red X


Remember to save your work when you are finished

Assign Employees to Routes

After you have saved a WorkFlow Template you have the option to define an employee to a specific route in the template. This step is not required but if an employee is designated for a route in the template that employee's name will be prefilled when the workflow is initiated. 

For example, if you assign an employee to be the Administrative Officer reviewer for this Template, then when an initiator uses this template the Administrative Officer field will be prepopulated.