Beacon HR Administrators have the capability to standardized position titles across Beacon HR.  The title of any planning accessions can only be entered into the system through dropdowns. Administrators can use this feature to add new position titles to the dropdown look ups.  This feature will also allow Beacon HR administrators to assign each position title to one standard position title. 

For example, the following three position titles exist in HRDB and are downloaded into Beacon HR:

  • Biological Sci Aid
  • Biological Science Aid
  • Bio Science Aid

Beacon HR Administrators can now assign each of these titles as a Biological Science Aid, and map all existing and any future positions with the above titles to this one standard title.

To add a new position title to the dropdowns in the system, navigate to the Position Titles section of the Administration Module.   

Enter the position title in the “Create a new Position Title without Reassignment” field and click “Add New”: