Acting Positions
An acting position is one that an employee temporarily fills until a replacement is found, while still maintaining their official position.
Like the future positions section, users with certain access rights can add, edit, or delete acting positions from an employee’s record. If the Acting Position is a current position, a green arrow will appear next to the title.
Edit or Add an Acting Position
- To edit an existing Acting Position, click on the
icon. If you would like to add an Acting Position, click on the
icon. Both links will open an Beacon HR Utility screen that offer editable text boxes for acting positions.
- Use the arrow to access drop-down menus.
- Enter text in the available text-fields.
- Complete all necessary information (administrative notes are optional), and click “Save Positon” to record the acting position to the employee’s record. If you would not like to save your changes or add the position, click “Cancel”
You may find the following definitions useful when completing the Add/Edit Acting Position Utility Window:
Organization: Indicates the lab or section to which the Acting Position is assigned
New Position Title: Denotes the position name
Supervisor: Checkmark this box if this is a supervisor position
Eff. Date: Date when the employee will take on the new position. Menu options correspond to established pay periods
Dep. Date: Date when the employee will no longer hold responsibility for the position. Menu options correspond to established pay periods
Delete an Acting Position
- If you would like to delete an Acting Position record, simply click the
icon that corresponds with the position you would like to remove
- At the prompt, “Are you sure you want to delete this position? Continue?”, click OK.