Current Positions
The information under the Current Position content area displays the status of the position currently held by the specified employee and tracks the salary increases the employee has received under the current position. The employee's current salary is indicated by a green box and their current position is indicated by a green arrow:
Users with certain access rights can add, edit, or delete a Projected Salary increase for an employee.
Adding a Projected Salary Increase
If no projected salary increase has been listed for the employee, users with certain access rights can add an expected salary increase by clicking on the Add Projected Increase icon. A Beacon HR pop-up window will appear.
From the window, enter in the Start Date.
Enter the expected new Gross Salary, Base Salary, and Benefits.
Select a Reason for the projected increase from the drop-down. Please note, it is necessary that all of these fields are completed in order to save the increase. If you try to save the increase without correctly filling out the necessary fields, Beacon HR will alert you by placing a red asterisks (*) by the incomplete field.
Type any important notes in the available text-field, but note that comments are optional.
When you have completed the Add/Edit Future Salary Increase form, click on Save Increase to save the increase to the employee's record. If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel.
Editing a Projected Salary Increase
If you would like to edit a listed salary increase, click on the Effective Date.
- In the Beacon HR pop-up, edit the information as if you were adding a projected increase.
When you have finished, click on Save Increase. To cancel your changes, click Cancel.
Deleting a Projected Salary Increase
If you would like to delete a listed salary increase, click on the "X" icon:
At the prompt, "Are you sure you want to delete this compensation? Continue?" Click OK.
No Current Position Information
If there is no current position data available for an employee who holds a current position, users can reactivate the employee's last active position by clicking the Reactive the last position button:
This action may be necessary in cases where an employee's departure date was incorrectly entered.